A downloadable game for Windows


Welcome to Cube Party!
You and your partner are welcome in the world of 3D multiplayer, online, cooperative puzzle game!

You can also open two game instances and play by yourself!

Join together and  check your spatial imagination, while trying to reconstruct complicated 3D structures.

Your aim is to recreate your fragment of the shape visible in the upper left corner, but remember not to use piece of shape that is assigned your partner!

There is no place for mistakes, as you cannot undo any of your moves. 

Good luck!

LMB - place cube
RMP - Look around
Mouse scroll - zoomin/out

To play solo just run two instances of the game 

Remeber to use ready button between phases (:
One player have to create room and others can join the fun 

You can also download two game instances and play by yourself!

There is no time restriction


JJ - Code, VFX, Design, Level Design
Bart - Music, Sound Design, Graphics, Animations, UI, Level Design

Whole game was made during 48h of game jam. 

Networking made with Photon.



Cube Party.zip 27 MB


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Outstanding game!